Thursday, October 23, 2014

Optimal search engine useage

       There was an internet "scavenger hunt" in class today. My professor wanted to show us just how extensive search engines are. I ended up finding an itinerary for Disneyland for a party of 3 adults and 3 children, getting to the last step of buying a segway(vehicle) specific book with a general title and a Roomba automatic house cleaner, and finding a paper the professor submitted to a committee quite a few years ago. Those were the easy results- found them within ten minutes on my low receptivity smart phone. One of the more challenging things to find was the professor's sister's married name. Only knowing the professor's first and last name I found out that he had three sister's and only two were married. I ended up picking the one he wasn't asking about but it was still frightening how easily the information was available.
      As a global society we're going to need to improve our habits about how we treat trolls and haters who bring their negative intentions into the physical world. It's one thing to talk trash to someone online but when the information is available to bring pain to someone in real life; a limit has to be set.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Expectations for my first technology class at the UW

     My professor appears to be quite accomplished and shares my fascination of computers and their massive rate of improvement in the last couple decades. I'm looking forward to hearing his recollection of the development of computers prior to my birth as some sort of nostalgia trip(for me). I can remember back to the days of sitting at my family's first computer. It ran windows 95 and ran one program that impacted my toddler years. What now seems like a fossil, the premise of 7th Legion is still as grand despite the game's shoddy coding. To see where my early days are placed in the professor's scope of history is one point of importance to me.
     The second being how to present myself online with my future career in mind. Up until this blog I've been solely a consume of media and am concerned with how future employers might view my online presence, or lack there-of. I'm expecting the class I'm taking will steer in that direction during the latter weeks of the quarter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hello, and welcome to my blog. For those that stumble here by chance I offer you a summery of what the blog will be about. I'm planning on keeping a journal of school related studies as well as my experiences with rocket jumping(YouTube is great if you have no experience with this term). In both cases the posts will be quite nerdy and require some prior knowledge to understand.